Sugars & molasses

Refined white sugar
Sucrose liquid sugar 67 BRIX
Liquid invert sugar 73 BRIX
Crystallized brown sugar
ِِCane sugar molasses
Cevital agro-industry has two (02) large sugar refineries for a production capacity of 6,500 tons per day; that is a little more than two (02) million tons per year.
We make available to our industrial customers working in the food and pharmaceutical sectors, a diversified range of products, refined white sugar, brown sugar, sucrose liquid sugar and invert liquid sugar, with packaging ranging from 25Kg, 50Kg, Big 1,100 kg bag, 26 tonne white sugar casseroles and 28 tonne tanker for liquid sugar, to meet the needs and requirements of our customers.
We make available to our industrial customers working in the food and pharmaceutical sectors, a diversified range of products, refined white sugar, brown sugar, sucrose liquid sugar and invert liquid sugar, with packaging ranging from 25Kg, 50Kg, Big 1,100 kg bag, 26 tonne white sugar casseroles and 28 tonne tanker for liquid sugar, to meet the needs and requirements of our customers.